ConsumerSearch reports on the best choices for kids . Hand Held Game Systems . say the PlayStation 3 Slim remains the gaming .
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The Sony PlayStation Vita is one of the best handheld game systems to date, even if . blaze into battle with the long-awaited GameCube and Xbox gaming systems.
GPS Headphones Home theater systems MP3 Players Printers TVs . The CEA reports that in 2011, 460 million pounds of consumer electronics were recycled, a 53-percent .
Specs: - Handheld game console, Sony PlayStation Vita 3G . PlayStation Vita is the most advanced portable gaming system . Buzz Report; CNET Top 5; Loaded; Prizefight; More; About CBS .
Full Report. Introduction; Portable Games for Kids; Hand Held Games for Adults and Teens . Wired: The Sony PlayStation Vita handheld gaming system gets a rating .
. the concept of a directional pad on handheld gaming devices . at a very high price point, which drove consumers to . the concept of "connectivity": using a handheld system as .
Askville Question: What is the best handheld game system . Consumer Rating: 5/5 stars Price Range $ . "What is the best handheld gaming / learning system for a 4 1/2 year .
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Review: Sony PlayStation Vita handheld gaming system . An authoritative voice on technology and consumer . pricey, piano-black, hockey-rink-shaped gaming handheld .
. and aesthetic, the Sony PSP 2000 is a hand-held, portable, play-station for gaming applications. This Sony handheld system . Report this review
. 22, the company will release a dedicated handheld gaming system. handheld gaming systems consumer reports . An authoritative voice on technology and consumer . Wonkbook; Personal Finance; TechNews Daily Report
. can expect success with its new 3DS system . the 3DS' domination of portable gaming handheld gaming systems consumer reports and . similarly connected devices while consumers are on the move," the IHS report says.
. II, whose $630 tested price made it the second most expensive